To: Arizona Courts

Arizona: Free Monica Jones!

When Monica Jones was offered a ride home in Phoenix, Arizona, she had no idea the driver was an undercover cop — or that he would use her identity as a trans woman to arrest her for "manifestation of prostitution."

The profiling didn't stop there. Monica Jones was told she had to enroll in Project Rose, a Christian propaganda campaign that forces people to find God and seek "help" to be let off. When she refused, she was convicted of prostitution — even after multiple witnesses proved the officer had approached Monica first, in direct violation of the bogus anti-prostitution law!

This "walking while trans" case is a mess from beginning to end, ruining a woman's life and culminating in real prison time. Please join us in demanding Monica's sentence be suspended and her case appealed, and help us begin a real assault on Project Rose's influence on Arizona police!

Why is this important?

Arizona's 23-52 Prostitution Law lets officers arrest women for no more reason than "looking suspicious" or asking if they're police, even if there's zero evidence that they're sex workers.

