To: The Arizona State House

Arizona: Stop giving soft cash to private prisons!

The state of Arizona has slashed everything from education to child welfare to medical programs. But somehow, legislators have no problem finding money to house imaginary inmates in its prisons.

Since private prison contractor GEO Group is a major campaign donor to Rep. Cavanagh, it had no problem asking for a handout - to cover the costs of the prisoners they AREN'T EVEN housing!

Get Arizona to wake up to the needs of its citizens, not the demands of its corporations. Call on this fake budget to be redistributed to the families who need it now!

Why is this important?

Arizona House Appropriations Chairman John Kavanagh (R-Fountain Hills) loves private prisons so much that he added an extra $1 million of tax payer money to the state budget to pay for housing prisoners that don't yet exist!

