To: President Donald Trump

Arm Teachers NOW

Pass a law allowing educators of all kinds to bring guns into their place of work in order to deter future school shootings. Senseless murders do not need to ever happen again against unarmed, innocent people. Allow our educators to protect themselves and our children!

Why is this important?

On December 14, 2012, a gunman entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and opened fire, killing what is currently being reported as a minimum of 27 people, 20 of whom were children. Completely innocent UNARMED victims.

Columbine. Red Lake, Minnesota. Essex, Vermont. Lancaster, Ohio. Virginia Tech. To name a few.

How many more innocents must die at the hands of murderers when our Second Amendment gives us the right to defend ourselves against such evil? Enough.

It's time to stop the violence and allow teachers to arm themselves against such violence. This is the only proven, reliable way to ensure these senseless crimes no longer happen: DETER THEM, and if deterrence doesn't work - arming our educators gives them the chance to defend themselves.