To: Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education

Arne Duncan Must Resign

We who elected President Barack Obama to the office of President of the United States have waited patiently for the U.S. Department of Education to help students with overwhelming student loan debt. We are dissatisfied with Arne Duncan's performance. Secretary Duncan has done little to solve the student loan debt problem, and has now promoted legislation that will allow fraudulent higher education enterprises to engage in business as usual, which will further inflate student debt and cause more hardship. We ask Mr. Duncan to resign his position as Secretary of Education, has he has failed in his duty to protect American students.

Why is this important?

We are tired of Arne Duncan selling out American Students!
In its final “Gainful Employment” rule, Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, has made many major concessions to the for-profit higher education industry. Now, Duncan has significantly delayed the point at which the worst for-profit school programs would lose federal financial aid. By doing so, they have made it many times easier for career college lobbyists to kill the regulation before the Department of Education can shut down even the most irredeemable programs.
