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To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Arrest Donald Trump. Charge: Inciting to Riot.

Because Donald Trump willfully and continually incites individuals to riot at his presidential campaign rallies. Just because he is rich does not entitle him to break the law. Donald Trump and Donald Trump alone is responsible for the increasing violent activity rising in the United States, bringing civil unrest among our communities, dividing Americans against each other for his own personal profit and gain. If something is not done, this behavior shows a pattern that it will only increase in scope and magnitude. We call on authorities to show up at the next rally and arrest Donald Trump on stage the moment the next riotous statement is uttered. There is plenty of video proof to convict this man and incarcerate him for a period to be determined in a court of law.

Criminal Law 101. Defendant: Donald Trump

2682. Inciting a Riot
The defendant is charged [in Count ______] with inciting a riot.

To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People must prove that:

1. The defendant (did an act or engaged in conduct that encouraged a riot[,]/ [or] urged others to commit acts of force or violence[,]/ [or] urged others to burn or destroy property);

2. The defendant acted at a time and place and under circumstances that produced a clear, present, and immediate danger that (a riot would occur/ [or] acts of force or violence would happen/ [or] property would be burned or destroyed);


3. When the defendant acted, (he/she) intended to cause a riot.

Why is this important?

Because of Donald Trump, violence continues to escalate in the United States, dividing our nation of many different races, creeds, colors and religions, against each other. This is the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and Donald Trump is creating a "Divided States of America" through speeches aimed to invoke rage, anger and violent actions.



2021-01-06 15:54:58 -0500

500 signatures reached