To: Barnes&Noble

Ask Barnes&Noble to stop supporting hate based authors.

Ask Barnes&Noble to cancel Amber Dee Parker's book signing.

Why is this important?

I was very bothered when I read the paper this morning. A author Amber Dee Parker wrote a book for little kids to explain to them why it's wrong to be gay and teaches little kids to pray for gay peoples sins. She is scheduled to speak at Barnes&Noble today in Lincoln, NE.
This petition is not asking Barnes&Noble to stop selling this book. This petition is asking Barnes&Noble to STOP endorsing authors who marginalizes members of society. I want Barnes&Noble to cancel Amber Dee Parker's event.

This is taken from the July, 20 2013 Lincoln Journal Star Online copy.

The book in a nutshell
Amber Dee Parker's “God Made Dad & Mom” tells the story of a biracial boy named Michael who asks his father why his friend Jimmy has two dads.

The story follows Michael through the day as he learns about family at parochial school, including the Bible passage Genesis 1:27: “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

And later, on a surprise trip to the zoo, his father shows him even animals have fathers and mothers. Along the way, Michael learns that he, like his friend Jimmy, was adopted, but by a mother and a father.

The storybook ends with Michael and his father praying for his friend’s dads -- and that they ask God for forgiveness of their sins.
