To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Ask Congress to Stop GMO "Takeover"
President Obama and Congress Persons, please take immediate actions to 1) independently study the effects of GMO seeds, plants, and products on our environment, animals that consume the products or seeds, and humans that consume the products or the animals that consume them, 2) ban any new GMO patents or FDA or Dept of Agriculture approvals for GMO use until such studies are complete, 3) include independent studies that have already been completed in Europe and South America that show detrimental effects to humans, farmers, croplands, and animals from GMO insertion. Make it more difficult for these GMO seeds to pollute organic farms.
We now have epidemic proportions of our population suffering from intestinal disorders that may stem from GMO products. It's time for the President and Congress to protect American citizens and farmlands.
Stop the spread of GMO pollution today and help folks have greater access to organic foods and farming results.
We now have epidemic proportions of our population suffering from intestinal disorders that may stem from GMO products. It's time for the President and Congress to protect American citizens and farmlands.
Stop the spread of GMO pollution today and help folks have greater access to organic foods and farming results.
Why is this important?
Many members of my family are suffering from leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, and a growing inability to acquire truly organic food products because Monsanto and other BIG AG companies have too much influence on Congress members and FDA and the Dept. of Agriculture. Will you help me by asking Congress to require truly independent studies of the effects of GMO on animals and humans? Will you ask them to include independent studies that have already been done in Europe and resulted in banning of many GMO seeds, plants, and products?