To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ask Congress to Tighten their belts too!

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that Congress share some of the sacrifices imposed on the American people and to contribute in a fair and just way in the reduction of our national debt.

While congressmen and women have continuously asked the American people to sacrifice and tighten their belts during this economic crises, while Congress are cutting funds for education, welfare and social programs in order to reduce the deficit, while Congress claims that it is OK for Americans to get a cut in their wages, Congress has not done the same thing they are preaching to us. We, the people, are their employers. Being a congressman or woman is supposed to be a service to the nation, an honor not a lucrative career with benefits for life. If the American families are making sacrifices and suffering the consequences, our Senators and Representatives should do the same. We are demanding that every Senator and Representatives show their concern, their patriotism by reducing their salaries by 40%, to get private health insurance like the American people do and pay their deductions and, no more life-long pensions… if 401K is so great, they should get a 401K plan and remove the pension plan from their benefit. We are not asking for anything more than what Congress are asking us to do and what they claim it is best for us, like private health insurance and private retirement plans.

Yours truly,

Why is this important?

While congressmen have continuously asked the American people to sacrifice and tighten their belts during this economic crises, while they are cutting funds for education, welfare and social programs in order to reduce the deficit, while they claim that it is OK for Americans to get a cut in their wages they have not done the same thing they are preaching to us. We, the people, are their employers. Being a congressman or woman is supposed to be a service to the nation, an honor not a lucrative career with benefits for life, with perks such as not paying for gas while we have to continue paying outrageous prices at the pump. If we sacrifice, so should they. Request that they show their concern, their patriotism by reducing their salaries by 40%, to get private insurance like we do and pay their share and, no more life-long pensions… if 401K is so great, let them get a 401K plan and remove the pension plan from their benefit.
