To: EXXON/Mobil, Shell, BP, Gulf
Ask Exxon/Mobil, Shell, Gulf, BP to donate gas to victims of Hurricane Sandy
We are asking you to donate much needed gas to the residents of NY and NJ that were impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Please set up temporary filling stations to provide access to free gasoline so that people may fill up their cars. We have provided you with BILLIONS of dollars in profit. It's time we receive some help from you.
Why is this important?
For people in the NY, NJ area directly impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy it has been next to impossible to obtain gasoline to run their cars or power their generators. People are unable to get to work, take their children to school, check up on elderly family members, or have access to light and heat via the use of a generator. Residents of these areas are being forced to wait in line for hours on end (one report tells of a man who waited almost 30 hours!!!) It's about time that the big companies such as Shell, BP, Exxon/Mobil, etc. give back to the communities that continually provide them record making profits in the BILLIONS!! Let's ask them to set up temporary filling stations and DONATE GAS so that people can have much needed access to gasoline and put those savings into rebuilding their homes and families that were destroyed by this natural disaster