To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ask for MORE of what America needs for Everyone to Prosper!

This Petition goes out the President and every Democrat in Congress.

Okay so I'm an idealist, I'm not pragmatic, I don't understand how Washington works, and for the most part it's clear it doesn't. Yes, and I don't think a little progress that ignores the huge number of suffering Americans and pretends the real problem is the Deficit or Social Security when it is not is "better than nothing". I admit that. I don't!

I think we need people to just stand up and say the truth the way you see it the same way you did when you campaigned for our votes. The poor, the old, the sick and the middle class did NOT break this economy and fixing it should NOT be done on their backs. As a matter of fact we have sacrificed enough already! Yes I thought "maybe" we should start our own party, the SEA Party! "Sacrificed Enough Already"! Because we have no more left to give to the GOP and the richest few of the 1% of Americans that they fight to protect. Too many in this country can barely feed themselves each month, and keep their roofs over their heads, and afford their meds! It's not our job to fix the Deficit. It's your job to fix our cities, our schools and our bleak looking futures!

The strategy of wanting to appear like we are the cooperative reasonable party who starts off reasonable and then gives in more and more, just so America will love us and the Republicans will look bad by comparison does not work. It didn't work last year and isn't worth the trade off. Not worth the trade off of not asking for what Really Matters in this budget!

What Really matters IS NOT the Deficit "right now", but it is helping the MOST AMERICANS POSSIBLE to get Jobs that pay a decent living wage to feed their families with! It is getting Revenues to use to Invest in our roads, bridges, schools, students, and building things from New Jersey to New Orleans to Oregon!

Build America! THAT is what matters, helping the Millions of Americans who were HURT by this recession caused by the reckless greedy people on Wall Street who We Bailed Out, and who turned around and did NOTHING to help us. They paid themselves million dollar bonuses, and Fired Tens of Thousands of US workers shipping our jobs to China and elsewhere as thanks! And NOW they say don't Tax Us 4% more for our millions because WE are the Job Creators!
Then were are the Jobs? Where are our Jobs!

Don't offer More Cuts to these Cutthroat Big Business greedy few who want to take money out of our parents and grandparents wallets so they can keep just a little bit more of the money they horde in offshore accounts! Don't do it! They keep making more billions each quarter and cutting more of our jobs so We The People are counting on you to do what is right. No cuts to Social Security that has ZERO impact on the Deficit. Don't make it harder for sick people to get help by making people wait longer to get Medicare! Don't let them cut Meals On Wheels to the disabled!

NO! Instead you Democrats should act like Democrats who came before you, and stand up for the Working Poor (two words that shouldn't be in the same phrase!), the struggling students, the underpaid women workers(paid 77cents on the dollar compared to men), the exploited immigrants, the barely surviving seniors living on disability and social security checks, STAND THE HECK UP FOR US!

Ask for MORE don't Offer More! YOU/WE won! We worked our tails off to make sure we won, and you won, and they lost, because THEY don't know how to govern, they are greedy people and the whole country knew it! So ask for what we really need to help the most Americans prosper!

-Raise Taxes on peoples income over $250k by 4% and then,
-ADD NEW Tax Brackets on income over 1 million, 10 million and 100 million a year!
-Tax Capital Gains like Labor Income just the same!
-Increase the Earned Income Tax Credit!
-Create a Federal Living Wage Law. {No one who works should be poor!}
-Cut the Defense Budget, {A strong economy at home is our best Defense! }
-Cut the Corporate Welfare for Oil Companies! {They don't want it, we can't afford it!}
-Let Medicare Bargain for Lower Drug Prices!

DO THIS So we can invest in building new Roads, a new Energy Grid that doesn't fail in Every Gosh Darned Storm! Hire 100k new Cops and New Teachers to graduate more students and stop making a profit off School Loans! We profit from an informed educated populous and that should be enough so make the loans Interest Free!

They want to cut Meals On Wheels to disabled people for Gods sake what kind of people are these? SHAME ON THEM! They call themselves Public Servants? They call themselves Americans? That offer of theirs should be met with public scorn and derision! Stop offering more to them of what will hurt America and instead ASK For More Of What America Really Needs to Recover from the Economic Catastrophe that these Wall Street folks and the clearly "bought and sold" Republicans have brought down on all of our heads!

Thank you!

Why is this important?

What really matters IS NOT the deficit "right now," instead it is helping the MOST AMERICANS POSSIBLE to get jobs that pay a decent living wage to feed their families with! It is getting revenues to use to invest in our roads, bridges, schools, students, and rebuilding America from New Jersey to New Orleans to Oregon!