To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Ask Governor Cuomo to reconsider punitive action against Panama Central School District

Governor Cuomo and Speaker Silver,
Please reconsider the punitive fine that has been levied against financially challenged Panama Central School District for a paperwork error. Panama Central School used the state funds appropriately, but was not notified of missing paperwork. This was an error known to the state, but not shared with the District. Although the state law does not require notification of missing paperwork, there is a civic and ethical responsibility to the constituents that this be done. Please rescind or reduce the fine and change the state law to require timely notification to all recipients of state funding of paperwork missing or in error .

Why is this important?

Panama Central School received state funds for building projects in 2002 and 2005. Due to oversight on the parts of both the state and the school district, one last report on these projects was not submitted. The state was aware of the omission, but failed to notify the District for several years. Governor Cuomo and Speaker Silver have decided to levy a $4.9 million fine on this small, economically challenged school district. Panama is not the only school district to have been sledgehammered over paperwork issues. This can happen to any school district or other recipient of state funds. The law needs to be changed to require timely notification so that errors can be promptly addressed and not allowed to run on for years and incur unmanageable punitive fines.
In the case of school districts, the ones who suffer are the students and the taxpayers, who are on the receiving end of the financial consequences.