To: Bonnie Dumanis, San County Diego District Attorney
Ask San Diego County District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis, to follow the recommendation of the San D...
After an exhaustive investigation, the San Diego Animal Services Dept. recommended the San Diego DA's office press felony criminal charges against (suspected) serial horse abuser/killer, Mark Arballo (Reining Horses) and his partner. A criminal felony conviction, a beacon for the industry to see, will send a very strong message to those like Arballo that they can no longer count on complicity and anonymity and that their cruelty will not be tolerated.
Why is this important?
For decades, many in the horse industry have been unwilling to shed light on pervasive abuse among its ranks for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is fear of retribution. Horrifically cruel training methods are passed on to ambitious students, are cloaked in secrecy, and the cycle persists in spite of rules and regulations imposed by governing bodies like the US Equestrian Federation, the National Reining Horse Association, etc., whose rules are all too easy to defeat. Too often the results of these abuses are rewarded in the show arena with titles, money, trophies, publicity, and adoration.The aim of this petition is to give voice to brutally murdered, promising young horses like Bella Gunnabe Gifted at the hands of a trainer whose tactics will not be tolerated.