To: Jack Evans, Councilmember, Mary Cheh, Councilmember, Phil Mendelson, Councilmember, David Catania, Councilmember, Marion Barry, Councilmember, Muriel Bowser, Councilmember, Vincent Orange, Councilmember, Yvette Alexander, Councilmember, ...

Ask the D.C. Council to Vote in Favor of One City, One License for all!

Dear Councilmember:

I am writing to humbly request that you vote yes on the Drivers Safety Amendment Act of 2013, so that all D.C. residents can finally receive equal, unmarked identification in the District of Columbia.

D.C. should set the standard across the nation for how we treat our undocumented immigrant community. The undocumented community already lives in fear that revealing their status could result in their detention and deportation if they drive to neighboring states.

The bill introduced by the Mayor would have reinforced discrimination against undocumented D.C. residents by creating a two-tier system that would unfairly label and stigmatize undocumented residents. By amending the bill, you have ensured that the District remains a leader in immigrant rights by providing equal, unmarked driver's licenses to all residents.

As a true ally and champion to immigrants, I hope that you vote in favor of unmarked driver's licenses for everyone, which would truly honor and unify our community, as well as set an example for other states to follow.

We are one city, and we should henceforth have one license for all. I look forward to seeing you vote in favor of ONE CITY, ONE LICENSE for all residents in the District.

Why is this important?

After unanimously winning an amendment to the Driver's Safety Amendment Act of 2013, which would ensure equal and unmarked driver's licenses for all D.C. residents, residents of D.C. are pushing for a veto-proof majority for the final read of the bill on November 5, 2013. If passed and signed by the Mayor, all residents of D.C. will be eligible for a driver's license or identification card starting in May 2014.

Join us in making a call to the D.C. Councilmembers sitting on the fence, and ask them to vote yes on the Drivers Safety Amendment Act of 2013:

Mary Cheh: (202) 724-8062; Phil Mendelsohn: (202) 724-8032; Yvette Alexander: (202) 724-8068; Jack Evans: (202) 724-8058; Kenyan McDuffie: (202) 724-8028; Vincent Orange: (202) 724-8174; Muriel Bowser: (202) 724-8052; Marion Barry: (202) 724-8045; Anita Bonds: (202) 724-8064; David Catania: (202) 724-7772

"Hi, I am calling to ask that Councilmember vote yes in favor of equal, unmarked driver's licenses for all D.C. residents. I urge Councilmember to support an amendment to the Mayor's bill to ensure that undocumented immigrants living in the District will not be stigmatized by a marked driver's license. Please vote yes on the Driver's Safety Amendment Act of 2013."