To: Mr. Kamana'opono Crabbe, CEO Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Suzanne Case, Chairperson, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, and Governor David Ige

Assert Public Ownership Of Ala Loa Trail

This petition is to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources. It asks these agencies to take immediate action to guarantee that the public has un-hassled, perpetual access to this historic trail on Kauai.

Why is this important?

The State of Hawaii is not doing its job to uphold the Doctrine of Public Trust which guarantees public access rights to this historic trail running along the coast of Kauai. The trail is owned in fee simple by the State of Hawaii. Illegal, unpermitted fences and barricades have gone up by land owners Patricia Hanwright, the Wilcox family, and others which block the public from using this trail. These land owners are attempting to privatize this large stretch of Kauai's coastline by taking the public trail, which does not belong to them. Persons attempting to use the trail have been harassed and threatened. We are asking that the State of Hawaii immediately take steps to assert its fee simple ownership of this trail AND to guarantee perpetual public access to it.