To: Eric Holder, US Attorney General

Assign special prosecutor to investigate 9/11

We, the undersigned citizens of the United States of America, call upon the US Attorney General, Eric Holder to re-open the case of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US. We call upon him, based upon new evidence and new facts related to the case, to re-open the case and also assign a special prosecutor with subpoena power to initiate and to oversee the new investigation.

Why is this important?

Following the attacks on the US on 9/11, there was a rush to judgement that misled our country into 11 years of war that has no end in sight and that has cost our country more than 12 trillion dollars. It also led to an all out assault on the US Constitution, and as a result, our civil rights have been sacrificed on the altar of national security. New facts show that we were misled by the official 9/11 account and that a new investigation must be initiated.