To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Attain Full Employment Fast

Dear President, Senator, and Congressional Representative

Please pass a tax bill to create the simple unique economic plan described at ( ) which will jump start the economy without causing inflation and attain full employment within 3 years. Also it will reduce the national debt within 1 year.

Why is this important?

The goal is to get the US government to use this simple new type of economic plan, fully displayed at ( ), to relieve unemployment. It will jump start the economy, quickly produce full employment, and reduce the national debt, with no inflation.

Plan Summary:

RAISE business taxes for 3 years by suspending business tax code advantages and simultaneously giving the businesses tax credits roughly equal to the tax increase IF they expand or modernize their US business. Business heads will put their money into their businesses rather than pay taxes so they will have to hire to get the tax credit. New employees spend more than when they were unemployed so demand increases. Businesses expand so they can supply more (and earn more). So the ratio of supply to demand stays roughly the same and therefore prices do also. National Debt is unchanged since no government money is spent. If the tax credit is unused then spend the tax receipts on infrastructure.