To: Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine

Attorney General DeWine Stop Supporting Racist Activist Groups

Stop your support of racist activists and special interest individuals,groups and organizations. Stop your racist pursuit of the black communities destruction.

Why is this important?

Do you think it's right for a publicly elected official to support a racist publicly?

Our Black communities are suffering more and more each day. There is very little opportunity in these communities and your support of individuals and organizations whose goal is to destroy and isolate them will not be tolerated. The people of our economically underserved communities should be one of your top priorities, instead of joining forces with racist activists to further promote the destruction of an already down trodden community contemplate what you and your office can to support its growth. Our vote counts to and you need to earn it.

We don't believe it is appropriate for a to Publicly Elected Official rally in support of racist individuals or organizations. Racist has personal beliefs which are not in line with American society as a whole. A Publicly Elected Official is elected by the people of the United States of America and has a duty to represent all Americans in that capacity. Any support of racist individuals, groups or organizations on the part of a Publicly Elected Official can be viewed as special interest activity or breach of fiduciary duties by the America people.
