To: Mark Herring, Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Attorney General Mark Herring: Protect Private Property Rights
We call upon Mark Herring, Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia to uphold the 5th Amendment of the U S Bill of Rights .
We regard Section 56-49.01 of the Virginia Code as unconstitutional since it permits companies such as Dominion Resources, Williams and MVP,LLC to survey private properties for gas transmission lines without due process or the just compensation mandated by the fifth amendment.
We therefore insist that Mr. Herring work together with Governor Terry McAuliffe and the General Assembly to correct this error and protect the rights of the citizens of Virginia rather than siding with corporations.
Thank you.
We regard Section 56-49.01 of the Virginia Code as unconstitutional since it permits companies such as Dominion Resources, Williams and MVP,LLC to survey private properties for gas transmission lines without due process or the just compensation mandated by the fifth amendment.
We therefore insist that Mr. Herring work together with Governor Terry McAuliffe and the General Assembly to correct this error and protect the rights of the citizens of Virginia rather than siding with corporations.
Thank you.
Why is this important?
Many homes in my region , including my own are threatened by the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline project. And this is only one of several large ( 42" high pressure pipelines) proposed to be built across Virginia.
Permitting gas pipeline companies to survey properties against the will of the people violates our property rights and abuses the concept of eminent domain.
Permitting gas pipeline companies to survey properties against the will of the people violates our property rights and abuses the concept of eminent domain.