To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Audit The Fed

Tell President Obama, the House, and the Senate to support and pass HR 459 and S202, bills aimed at auditing the Federal Reserve.

Why is this important?

The Federal Reserve continues to manipulate our economy to benefit the wealthiest Americans while preventing ordinary Americans who want to save their money from accruing any kind of interest in their savings accounts by keeping interest rates artificially low. As if this wasn't enough, the Federal Reserve has also been picking the winners and losers of our economy by giving more than $16 trillion dollars away to "too-big-to-fail" banks in the form of bailouts. These are staggering facts, but this is just what we know of the secretive Fed and its actions. Enough is enough. Citizens deserve to know what the Federal Reserve has been doing behind closed doors, and it should be audited immediately.