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Autism Awareness

Please help make autism a topic of study in middle and high schools around the United States. Most students have the chance to take a class with an autistic person, so let's make it so the students aren't going to be shocked by an autistic student in their class.

Why is this important?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or simply autism is a brain development disorder in which most people that have this issue are diagnosed between the ages of 5-17. Autism is identified in 1 out of 88 American children. Out of that group of statistics, 1 out of 54 boys and 1 out of 252 girls are diagnosed with the autism disorder. The thing is most students in middle school or high school have the possibility of taking a class with an autistic person. Most cases of this happening, the students have never learned what autism actually is and it could lead to bullying because the autistic student is viewed "differently." My goal is to help get autism as a subject of study in health and education classes for these students in middle and high school.