To: Tara Malzone, Executive Director, Prescilla Kiessig, Director, Jeff Priolo, Director, Randy Pybus, Director, Rob Mohle, Director, Carly Baker, Vice-Chairman, King Lee, Chairman, and Bill Roberts, Secretary

Avila Beach Aquarium: Release Great Pacific Octopus

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

The Central Coast Aquarium in Avila Beach recieved two Giant Pacific Octopi last week from a Morro Bay fisherman who found them in his prawn trap. These are highly intelligent and social animals who will grow to be even larger. They do not belong in a small fish tank and should be released immediately. On Facebook: Ocean Outfall Group

Why is this important?

Two Giant Pacific Octopi were removed from a fisherman's prawn trap and stuck into a fish tank at a small aquarium with close ties to Morro Bay Aquarium and Diablo Nuclear Power Plant. It is wrong for Pacific Gas & Electric or the Central Coast Aquarium to exploit these Octopi for public relations. Please release them back into Morro Bay where they came from, start by designating an official release date as you promised us you would almost two years ago!