To: Adela E. Jimenez, CPA, MBA, Chief Operating Officer & CFO

AZ Society of CPAs: Be accountable to your former members

I have a right to know how my membership dues were spent, even though I'm no longer a member of your organization. The ASCPA should be accountable to CPAs like me, who live and work in Arizona, and it shouldn't be secretive about disclosing basic financial information.

Why is this important?

I was a member of the Arizona Society of CPAs (ASCPA) from 2010 to 2012. After my membership was cancelled in July, I asked the ASCPA how my dues were spent, and my request was flatly denied. The organization is thus secretive and insensitive when it should willingly provide this information to a former member who paid dues enabling it to operate, and who is affected by its actions including lobbying on behalf of AZ CPAs.
