To: The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor John Bel Edwards
Baggy Pants
Stop Louisiana state and local governments from wasting time and taxpayer funds through their frivolous enactment and enforcement of laws against the wearing of baggy pants.
Why is this important?
Several cities and towns, most recently Terrebonne Parrish, LA, have passed laws that ban the wearing of baggy pants. These laws 1) infringe on an individuals right to wear whatever they wish; 2) establish a code of dress that is unconstitutional and impossible to enforce; 3) specifically target the young and predominately minority population; 4) put people into the legal system with fines, jail, records for making a stylist statement; and 5) this unfair law is totally arbitrary because similar laws are not passed against the shirtless or scantily clad which many may find equally or more offensive. This is the slippery slope that politicians always want to guard against. Stop this trend in its tracks by signing this petition.