To: Paul Hansut, Town Supervisor and Mary Beth Maio, County Legislator for the Town of Lloyd, NY

Ban All Hydraulic Fracturing in the Township of Lloyd, NY

We, the People of the Town of Lloyd, NY want legislation enacted in the Town of Lloyd to support and improve the August 2012 County Legislation Banning Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing) in our Town and all by-products of the process, including but not limited to de-icer made from the residue of fluids used in fracking to be banned on all our Town road.

Why is this important?

Although there has been legislation enacted in Ulster County against hydraulic fracturing, the Bill leaves gaps. Many towns in Ulster County have or are in the process of putting local legislation in place to prevent hydraulic fracturing from being done and the use of by-products of fracturing to be used on our town roads as de-icer. The Town of Lloyd has so far not been amenable to going forward with this needed local legislation.