To: President Donald Trump, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Tim Walz, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban Assault Rifles Now

There should be a federal ban on assualt rifles.

Why is this important?

As a high school student in 1999 the mass shooting at Columbine was seared into my brain. It literally gave me nightmares about going to school. As a high school teacher now, I still face the fear of a mass shooting each day I go to work. Don't we all? After all the workplace, school, mall, theatre and church mass shootings, there is nowhere left that feels safe. I'm not suggesting something so extreme as banning all guns, but I think most sensible people agree that assault rifles are terrorist weapons of mass destruction, neither useful for sport or self defense. Let's join together to honor those children and teachers at Sandy Hook and ask our leaders to ban assault rifles! Stop the mass shootings!
