To: National Rifle Association, President Donald Trump, The Connecticut State House, The Connecticut State Senate, Governor Ned Lamont, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

BAN Assault Weapons Nationwide

My wife and daughter work at the Danbury Hospital that received the people who arrived dead or wounded from the Rocky Hill Middle School. Despicable acts like this are a shame to this beautiful country. If we do nothing over 33,000 people will die from a shotgun next year. We can do better than have weapons easily available around civilians. Stop the control on interest for the N.R.A. and its control over the lawmakers of the country. Stop delaying action. BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS NOW!

Why is this important?

I live 5 minutes from Newtown, where 20 6-7 y-old children were killed. When I heard the news I cried in my car, I thought about my children. What would I do without them. What are these parents who lost their young children are going to do now?
