To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban Assualt Weapons for use by Civilians

We have all been affected by these horrific shooting sprees. I live in Paducah KY, where the Heath High shootings took place.Another senseless act, but if civilians did not have access to these assualt weapons, maybe things would have been different for the students at Heath and now in Connecticut. People that own guns should be behind this 100% because we are not asking for your rifles or shotguns, just a ban on assualt weapons and tighter gun controls.We have to stand up for these children and all others who have been affeced by assualt weapons.. We owe this to our fellow Americans who were senselessly taken from their families. Thank you

Why is this important?

I live in Paducah Ky where the Heath High School shootings took place.This must stop. Our Humanity demands it.....
