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To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Ban California Fracking

Please vote to pass the current bill calling for strict regulations of Hydraulic Fracturing in California.

Why is this important?

This petition is designed to give Californians a voice so that they may stop destructive Hydraulic Fracturing in California. Los Alamos, California is under threat right now from energy companies who are looking to frack natural gas from the area. This could easily pollute vital water used by farmers and citizens of Los Alamos, making their water undrinkable and land uninhabitable. A bill has been sent to Congress calling for the most stringent fracking regulations of any US state. Fracking has been happening for many years unregulated, destroying land, water and peoples right to a quality of life. It is time we take a stand, please help me by signing this petition so that I may send it to our State Senators in order to get the current bill on regulating fracking in California passed.
Thank You!



2020-09-16 18:37:58 -0400

25 signatures reached