To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban drug company ads on television

Ban drug ads on television.

Why is this important?

When my daughter was 6 years old she saw an ad on a television commercial for a drug for "restless leg syndrome" and thought she had it from the symptoms they described. She is a normal kid who tossed and turned when she slept like most of us do occassionally. It was not "restless leg syndrome" (if that is even a real condition). They should not be able to put snipets of conditions, and the magic pill to fix it on television commercials. It is brainwashing everyone to think their is a pill for everything, and that they are possibly sick when they are probably not. That is for a doctor to determine. I am sick of being bombarded with this stuff, and we are becoming a nation of over medicated people. Let the drug companies put stuff on the internet where you have to do a search on a topic, not on public television where we have no control over what topic is popping up in front of our kids during commercials.
