To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban electronic voting machines in the 2012 general election

Banned electronic voting machines because they are not secure. Require all 50 States to use paper ballots for the 2012 General election.

Why is this important?

My issue is electronic voting machines and the easiness in which they can be hacked. This has been proven time and time again but our legislators do nothing to insure the safety and security of our votes. The GOP is trying to suppress the vote in 26 or more states and the point is, it is virtually a poll tax on poor people, older veterans, and those that can't afford it.
In Texas, NRA ID is OK, but a Student ID is it is clear the intentions of the GOP.
There will be hundreds of thousands of people who will not be able to vote and that is not the America I love.
Voting machines will be hacked by Karl Rove and his billionaire brothers; it was done in 2004 in Ohio. The hacker who sat two states over and shifted Kerry votes to Bush gave his deposition and days later he was dead. Karl Rove walked away from the Grand Jury without a scratch. I know he was key in orchestrating stealing votes from Kerry to Bush. In 2008 so many people voted that he was not able to pull it off in Penn., What they can't suppress, they will steal in key states to cover all the bases to defeat the sitting President. We must ban electronic voting machines and demand paper ballots in all 50 states. If Romney wins in a landslide...then we know they got away with it.