To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban high capacity military type assault weapons.

It is completely unnecessary to have weapons scattered across the country in private homes waiting for some apocalypse where militias have to fight the government. Half the time these weapons are not secured and thieves break in and steal. High velocity and high-impact rounds designed to destroy flesh coupled with high capacity semi automatic weapons that can be converted to fully automatic with a simple kit available from gunmakers need to be removed from the market. Hunting rifles for sportsmen along with target pistols and rifles and revolvers for personal protection should be sufficient in this country. There also needs to be a dialogue about the reconstitution of the mental health industry in this country, citizens are screaming for help and no one listens. What's going on now is not what the founding fathers envisioned when they penned the Second Amendment, and there is no way that anyone can say what's going on now is okay. Or that teachers should be armed in their classrooms, who's to say one of those teachers or office personnel in the school couldn't have a breakdown and do just what this Lonza kid did.

Why is this important?

Keep high capacity military type assault weapons out of private citizens hands, along with Hi velocity Hi impact ammunition designed to mutilate and destroy human flesh. The Second Amendment did not anticipate machine guns nor did it anticipate television, special effects and vidio games that desensitize the weak minded, mentally ill or distraught towards suicide or mass murder. Hunting rifles and revolvers should be sufficient for hunting and self-defense.