To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

Ban Hydrofracking in New York State

Governor Cuomo, please do everything in your power to ban hydraulic fracturing throughout New York State. There is no part of the state that should be eligible for fracking. The risks are too great. We can't afford to drill first and ask questions later.

Why is this important?

Yesterday government bureaucrats gave the go-ahead for Gov. Cuomo to lift the statewide ban on hydrofracking*. They want him to keep it banned in some places, like New York City's watershed, but not in others. We need to keep the ban in place everywhere. If fracking isn't safe enough for NYC, then it shouldn't be safe enough anywhere else in New York either.

*Hyfrofracking is a dangerous technique used to extract natural gas from rock formations and is associated with chemical and carcinogenic contamination of drinking water.