To: Bethlehem Town Board

Ban lawn care pesticides in Bethlehem, NY

Ban lawn care pesticides in Bethlehem, NY
to promote healthy families, children, pets, clean drinking water and environment.

Why is this important?

The volume of pesticides/herbicides placed on home lawns is truly staggering. These pesticides by their very nature are toxic. They poison our children, pets, drinking water, pollinators and aquatic life. Just the fact that children in households using these toxic pesticides have a 6 fold increase in leukemia, should encourage a ban! There are plenty of safer alternatives. NYS has already acknowledged the danger by passing the NYS Child Safe Playing Fields Act by banning these chemicals from playgrounds and playing fields. We need to extend this ban to the rest of the community where children live and play.
You can make a difference, start locally and think globally!