To: Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi, Pittsfield, Ma mayor, President Donald Trump, The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, Governor Charlie Baker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban Monsanto and all GMO Produce & Products in Massachusetts by 12/31/2013.

Ban Monsanto and all other GMO Produce, Products, Sales, Imports, Exports, Marketing ,Patents, pro-GMO court actions etc. in Massachusetts by December 31, 2013. Fully and clearly label all such products that are currently available until ban begins.

To be delivered to: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, Governor Deval Patrick,The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama.

Why is this important?

These poisons are killing you, your family,and the planet right now. Label all such produce and products fully and clearly until ban begins.