To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban on Automatic Assault Weapons

As our Country faces one of the most horrific acts of violence in our history, we must stand together as a people and fight the good fight to ensure that our voices, the people who vote for progress, can change the course of our great nation. The NRA is a lobbyist group that controls some of the most powerful individuals in Washington D.C., Now is the time to stand up and protect our families the right way.

Why is this important?

The NRA wields a carrot-and-stick approach to politics, doling out generous political backing to those who agree with it or to those who are simply running against someone who disagrees with it. The group also employs a rating system under which candidates are graded according to their votes on key issues. The NRA is always transparent about certain votes being graded, and as such candidates are always on notice before they vote.

Until we face the power of the NRA and truly measure the length of its reach, the issue of gun control is doomed to stay exactly where it is -- stuck.

Challenging such a powerful lobby, daunting as it appears, is paramount, because we can't allow special interests to run roughshod over the public interest.

The issue of guns and how we as a country regulate their ownership and use must be addressed -- and soon.
