To: President Donald Trump

Newtown: What to ask from Government

Various legal restrictions such as background checks on the sale of guns have been ineffective in preventing senseless mass killings of the innocent. Instead we are asking for the limitation of all firearms to that of single shot.

Why is this important?

This petition specifically asks that the sale of firearms to be limited to single shot and for all other firearms to be outlawed for civilian use.

It would:
1. Save many lives
2. Prevent mass killings
3. Provide achievable goals for legislation
4. Avoid the legal challenges involved in changing the United States Constitution's 2nd amendment
5. Open the way for a safer society

There are a number of petitions for gun control. You are able to sign as many as you like. Although some people would like to see guns outlawed completely, in my estimate, this isn't something achievable, in the near term, if at all. It is a matter for the Supreme Court and would require a change to the US Constitution.

In the aftermath of the Newtown shooting, gun control is being reviewed by the government. The Senate has added gun control to the agenda when it resumes in January. Unless people specifically ask to limit gun bullet/cartridge capacity, something less effective is likely to be proposed.

Why is it important to sign: Only if people ask will politicians have the confidence to push for this specific proposal.

If you are unfamiliar with firearms. A single shot gun can be used for hunting, but it is time consuming and makes it very difficult to shoot multiple rounds in succession. In Newtown it was reported that over 100 rounds were shot. Even gun experts admit that limiting the number of bullets in a semi-automatic gun to a smaller magazine will not have a significant effect because the magazines can be changed very quickly.

It is the fast, shooting speed, high capacity and ability to rapidly reload semi-automatic firearms and assault weapons that has contributed to the high death tolls in mass shootings.

As long as firearms are sold that are semi-automatic, and use magazines to load multiple bullets there will never be enough background checks, laws, or legal barriers to ensure that these mass murder weapons are kept out of the wrong hands. If you look at recent events these weapons were purchased legally.

Although Newtown was the second highest death toll of any single mass shooting.

The tragedy behind this is that the NRA and other lobbyist recently defeated the ban on the proposed sale of 30 round assault weapons in Connecticut. Now, without apology, they heartlessly suggest how it might not have made a difference.... Their solution, do nothing.

We know better! Make only guns with a single shot capacity legal. This would have saved many lives.

Thank you for signing the petition. Please tell your state representative to support this gun control proposal.
