To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Ban open carry
Open carry has a very good chance of becoming law in FloriDUH soon.
Open carry at bars, at spring break on the beaches, on college campuses where kids are living away from home for the first time in their lives and some for the first time taking drugs and drinking too much alcohol, at black Friday store stampedes, at child care, at church, at car accident scenes, at bike week in Daytona, etc, etc, etc.. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
People who care about other people know this is a bad idea. The majority of those who understand the consequences best, law enforcement officials, also know this is a bad idea. More than likely, some of the politicians who vote for this also know it's a bad idea. Unfortunately, the politicians care more about the bribes they receive (some still call these political contributions than they do about peoples lives. And since the money is more important to them than peoples lives, this will likely pass.
It's too late to remove these people from office, but it's not too late for us to take a stand. Tell store owners that if they allow open carry in their store, then you will shop elsewhere.
Yes, it might mean driving a little further. But there is one big difference between us and the bought politicians and their sugar daddy, the NRA, - WE CARE MORE ABOUT PEOPLE'S LIVES than the money that flows from gun manufacturers to the NRA to the politicians.
Open carry at bars, at spring break on the beaches, on college campuses where kids are living away from home for the first time in their lives and some for the first time taking drugs and drinking too much alcohol, at black Friday store stampedes, at child care, at church, at car accident scenes, at bike week in Daytona, etc, etc, etc.. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
People who care about other people know this is a bad idea. The majority of those who understand the consequences best, law enforcement officials, also know this is a bad idea. More than likely, some of the politicians who vote for this also know it's a bad idea. Unfortunately, the politicians care more about the bribes they receive (some still call these political contributions than they do about peoples lives. And since the money is more important to them than peoples lives, this will likely pass.
It's too late to remove these people from office, but it's not too late for us to take a stand. Tell store owners that if they allow open carry in their store, then you will shop elsewhere.
Yes, it might mean driving a little further. But there is one big difference between us and the bought politicians and their sugar daddy, the NRA, - WE CARE MORE ABOUT PEOPLE'S LIVES than the money that flows from gun manufacturers to the NRA to the politicians.
Why is this important?
People's lives are more important than the flow of money from gun manufacturers to the NRA to politicians.