To: BARRY SNELL, Chair SMC Board of Trustees, DR. MARGARET R. QUIÑONES-PEREZ, Vice Chair SMC Board of Trustees, LOUISE JAFFE, ED.D. VICE CHAIR, Vice Chair SMC Board of Trustess, SUSAN AMINOFF, PH.D., SMC Board of Trustees Member, DR. NANCY G...

Ban Plastic Bottles, Utensils & Straws from SMC Campus

Ban the sale and use of plastic beverage bottles and straws on SMC Campus Facilities to reflect environmental sustainable values. Plastic is the No. 1 threat to marine ecosystems. Bottled packaging plants negatively affect public health, annual purchases of bottled water are 2000 times more expensive than using tap water. On top of that, tap water has significantly lower rates of potentially damaging substances.

Why is this important?

The Environmental Sector of Compassionate Santa Monica aligned with Earth Day Network Educational Campaign: A World Without Plastic Pollution--which is mobilizing compassionate citizens across the globe to bring about a new level of consciousness and change around plastics pollution. The world must perceive plastics not only as an environmental challenge of global proportions but as a marker of the human values that must change in order to build a more sustainable and just world. Scientific research reveals the adverse impact plastics have on Public Health.