25 signatures reached
To: Governor Jared Polis
Ban Pre-Employment Personality Tests
The personality test is meant to be a helpful tool for people to get better understandings of themselves or assist in making carer choices. In such a test there are no right or wrong answers. Those who write these assessment tests are people who desire to help and not harm and exclude people.
The pre-employment personality test is a tool for the use to harm, it's used to exclude. Such a test may be appropriate by a career center to help the job-seeker learn what he or she may be good at or what jobs may be a good fit. In pre-employment testing, however, the answers DO become right or wrong and the results are something like this: Red = Do not call, Yellow = Call if no ideal candidates are available and Green = Call the applicant.
Just as a doctor or nurse will not knowingly cause harm to a patient, unless such a person is criminal or has been has taken a bribe, psychologists or psychiatrists who write personality tests should only do such for the sake of helping others, not being instrumental in their exclusion for jobs.
Personality tests invite and even force applicants to lie as they need employment and feel that unfavorable answers will keep them from employment. In doing so, the test will not produce accurate results most likely keeping the candidate from getting a job, anyway.
Personalities vary and should not make a person be viewed as bad or not able to do the job and should not be a determining factor. People can have personality clashes but yet it not end in violence. I believe the reverse can also be true.
The pre-employment personality test is a tool for the use to harm, it's used to exclude. Such a test may be appropriate by a career center to help the job-seeker learn what he or she may be good at or what jobs may be a good fit. In pre-employment testing, however, the answers DO become right or wrong and the results are something like this: Red = Do not call, Yellow = Call if no ideal candidates are available and Green = Call the applicant.
Just as a doctor or nurse will not knowingly cause harm to a patient, unless such a person is criminal or has been has taken a bribe, psychologists or psychiatrists who write personality tests should only do such for the sake of helping others, not being instrumental in their exclusion for jobs.
Personality tests invite and even force applicants to lie as they need employment and feel that unfavorable answers will keep them from employment. In doing so, the test will not produce accurate results most likely keeping the candidate from getting a job, anyway.
Personalities vary and should not make a person be viewed as bad or not able to do the job and should not be a determining factor. People can have personality clashes but yet it not end in violence. I believe the reverse can also be true.
Why is this important?
My petition is in regard to pre-employment personality testing. Such testing should not be relied on in determining whether someone gains employment with a company or not because it may exclude people who are qualified for the job and are not a risk. The reverse is also true concerning qualifications and being a risk.