To: Lise Reid, Parks Director

Ban Roundup and other Glyphosates from Newburyport Parks

Roundup, Rodeo and other Glyphosates/herbicides can be hazardous to kids, pets, adults and other living beings.
Join us as we work to ban these products from Newburyport parks and playgrounds.

Why is this important?

“Monsanto/Bayer developed Roundup and other Glyphosates that kills weeds....also kills milkweed. (Note: Milkweed is the only plant on which monarch butterflies will lay their eggs). So we have decimated the monarch butterfly population, reduced it over the last two decades by 90 percent.” Bill Nye, The Science Guy.

Please email your support for this ban to Lise Reid and come to the meeting of the City Parks Department: Thursday, February 21 at 6 PM, Newburyport Senior Community Center, 331 High Street.