To: cardinal charter schools, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Ban teachers from yelling at our children in school

I feel that schools should start teaching better communication skills instead of yelling when upset, expressing feelings from an "I am" point of view.

Why is this important?

My daughter has been experiencing bullying from teachers in her school. She's upset about the teachers yelling at her and the other kids. She's told me the teachers tell her that her art work isn't good enough, and when she asks for help with a mean kid the principal ignores her. This has saddened me because I have spoken to principal, teachers, and supervisors with no improvements. I have spoken to other parents with the same concerns. I think that's what's wrong with society, we aren't taught in schools how to communicate when we are upset. Teachers teach by yelling and to discouraging creativity by staying within the line. These children are sent to school with trusting that they are getting the best, but is that the case?