To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban "Terminator Seeds"

Terminator Seeds are genetically engineered seeds that have been gene spliced to be "sterile." If sterile seeds are released into the environment, they could cross-contaminate other plants making them sterile too. Without the ability of plants to produce seeds, it could alter the environment as we know it; making it "slient!" There will be no food for the animals, birds, bees or even us. Everything would become dependent on corporations to provide seeds for us to grow our own food!

Why is this important?

Terminator Seeds are genetically engineered seeds that have been gene spliced to be "sterile." If sterile seeds are released into the environment, they could cross-contaminate other plants making them sterile too. Without the ability of plants to produce seeds, it could alter the environment as we know it; making it "slient!" There will be no food for the animals, birds, bees or even us. Everything would become dependent on corporations to provide seeds for us to grow our own food!