To: President Donald Trump
Ban the Bottle, Phase 2!
Every year, 20 million tons of plastic waste enters the world's oceans. This is a Global issue, and a problem of the last 50 years. We need strict and effective MULTI-NATIONAL laws enforcing monitoring and reporting of imported plastic, and a fair Port fee of $1 per shipping container to fund the "Ocean Friendly" certification program. Also making it ILLEGAL to MANUFACTURE highly toxic, and single use plastics, e.g. single use plastic bottles/bags, foam food containers, etc. Instead, force consumer targeted companies to used recycled and/or biodegradable materials in products and their packaging. International cooperation is URGENT. EVERYONE should care about this, because everyone NEEDS water. Let's start with the most powerful country in the world, the United States of America. Let us be an example of what it means to care, and what it means to truly make a positive difference in the world.
Why is this important?
It is urgent that we bring awareness of this emergency to as many people as possible. This being a catastrophe born of the last 50 years, in another 50, our grandchildren will not know what it means to swim in the ocean, to drink naturally fresh water, and will be learning about many extinct species of animals/mammals in their history books.