To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban the CEO Fiscal Leadership Council from fiscal cliff negotiations

Many of these corporations are the same ones who recieved taxpayer funded bailouts after mismanaging their businesses to the point of crashing our entire economy. Instead of using their massive profits, propted up by a continuous stream of government funds, to create living wage paying jobs, they are using it as speech to scream for balancing the budget on the back of the poor, seniors and the middle class. We had an election. The American people rejected the idea of tax cuts to the wealthy and austerity for the 98%. The 98% bore the brunt of the economic crash while the rich got richer. Enough is enough.

Why is this important?

.This organization is made up of CEO's for the same corporations and financial institutions that bankrupted our country and who continue, thru labor exploitation, to drag our economy down.
They are not concerned for the well being of the country. They are solely interested in continuing their largess at taxpayer expense.
They have no business influencing deficit/debt negotiations when it is their own behavior that has caused much of the country's fiscal problems.
