To: President Donald Trump, The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Ban the Confederate Flags on our license Plates here in North Carolina.

It is a sign of racial divide, a sign of discrimination, racism and a sign of oppression that Blacks from Africa were imposed upon during the days of slavery.

Why is this important?

In South Carolina, a young man entered a church and sat there for an hour among his victims. He had planned this for months and has declared himself a racist and hates, Blacks, Mexicans and Jews. These people have not done anything to him and this was a hate crime. Personally this did not affect me, but a crime against my people, my Black people, is a crime against me. The Confederate flag should be removed from all license plates, and any merchandise that has this racist flag on it. It is time to take a stand and stop this behavior and stop the printing presses from printing another Confederate flag.