To: Alan Lefebvre, President, Nevada Bar Association

Patricia Doninger--callous judge

During a routine divorce hearing in Clark County, Nevada, presided over by Judge Patricia Doninger, a young woman named Monica Contreras was sexually assaulted by a court Marshall. Her dignity as a human being and her rights were forcibly violated, so we DEMAND that an ethics commission be established to seek further action. We demand that Judge Patricia Doninger be held accountable for her misconduct as a public official.

Why is this important?

In 2011, during a routine family divorce hearing in Clark County, Nevada, Monica Contreras was sexually assaulted by a court official. She was forced into an room, subjected to an impromptu “strip search,” and subjected to cruel,unusual, and inhumane treatment. After this humiliating and dehumanzing trial and tribulation, she sought to inform Judge Patricia Doninger of the assault upon her body and her rights. She was threatened with incarceration, if she did not recant her testimony, while her and her daughter's plea for help and clemency were left unanswered. She was faced with an apathetic Judge and an vicious court staff. Refusing to take back her words, she was arrested, jailed and her daughter was taken from her. No person, of any star or stripe, should be subjected to this kind of treatment.

On this day, the system of Justice stopped working for the common man. Justice was silent, unmoved by the pleas of a mother and her daughter. Instead of serving the public good, the law served the interests of the system rather than its citizens. Patricia Doninger, had a duty; an obligation, a moral imperative to serve justice and the oath she swore to uphold. Instead she allowed justice to be circumnavigated and circumvented into a perverse and twisted amalgamation of the law. Although Patricia Doninger was 'let go,' for her actions, she should be made to stand for her woeful callousness and disregard of Monica Contreras, her daughter, and the rights that all citizens enjoy. No daughter should be forced to plea for her mother, only to have her stripped away. No mother should be forced to pick between her rights and her daughter.

1) Ms. Contreras’ right to free speech was impinged upon. She was never able to exercise this fundamental right or receive acknowledgement by the Judge.
2) No probable cause was given for the strip-search, or the cause was woefully insufficient, therefore the search was invalid and extralegal. Ms. Contreras was illegally searched, which violated her rights under the fourth amendment—based on the United States Constitution.
3) Ms. Contreras was falsely accused of making 'false allegations against a public official'. No law exists in state or municipal codes. Since no cause could warrant her arrest, she was falsely arrested and imprisoned--against her will.
4) Mrs. Patricia Doninger showed conduct unbecoming of an elected public official. For this reason, she should be censured.
5) Ms. Contreras' 14th amendment rights, under the equal protection clause, were violated, numerous times.

