To: Members of the PA Basic Education Funding Commission
Basic Ed Funding Commission:
In order to ensure that every Pennsylvania child has a genuine opportunity to learn and meet state standards, the Basic Education Funding Commission should deal with both EQUITABLE distribution and ADEQUATE funding levels in order to come up with a fair state funding system. In addition, it is vital that you provide opportunities for the citizens of Pennsylvania, those most impacted by the effects of our unfair funding system, to participate in the Commission's process.
Why is this important?
The Basic Education Funding Commission will be making recommendations about a funding system to the General Assembly.
Every public school must have the resources necessary to enable every child the opportunity to learn, to meet state academic standards, to be prepared for post-secondary success, and become productive, knowledgeable, and engaged adults. The Commission must focus on the learning needs of children, not just the mechanics of distribution. The calculation for setting up a baseline funding level must be based on the real costs of sufficiently providing the programs and experiences that students need to meet any standards that are set by the state. Furthermore, the Commission must recommend a funding level that meets the Constitutional obligation to provide a “thorough and efficient” education and creates an equitable approach to allocating funds that reduces the influence of politics on school funding. We must ensure that the the public and our new Governor-elect have a reasonable opportunity to participate in this process.
Every public school must have the resources necessary to enable every child the opportunity to learn, to meet state academic standards, to be prepared for post-secondary success, and become productive, knowledgeable, and engaged adults. The Commission must focus on the learning needs of children, not just the mechanics of distribution. The calculation for setting up a baseline funding level must be based on the real costs of sufficiently providing the programs and experiences that students need to meet any standards that are set by the state. Furthermore, the Commission must recommend a funding level that meets the Constitutional obligation to provide a “thorough and efficient” education and creates an equitable approach to allocating funds that reduces the influence of politics on school funding. We must ensure that the the public and our new Governor-elect have a reasonable opportunity to participate in this process.