We want you to find out how bad the bullying is in Bassett USD (La Puente, CA.). A teacher recently committed suicide from workplace bullying, and the Superintendent tells us the district never heard of any bullying. And now kids at the same school have been suspended, told they were terrorists - even police were called - because the student leaders had STICKERS. Parents and community members are outraged! We have to start somewhere - we are petitioning you (Bassett USD Board of Education) to authorize a FREE workplace bullying assessment and share the results with the community.
Why is this important?
The bullying (of students, parents and staff) has gone on far too long, and the Board of Education won't do anything about it. In fact, they do it during board meetings! While a FREE workplace bullying assessment WON'T fix everything, it is a START. It means the Board of Education is LISTENING TO THE COMMUNITY - a community that is deeply hurting from rampant bullying - not just of teachers but of parents, students and other employees.