To: Amy Paulin, Assembly Women, President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Be the voice that they don't have.

New York Senate is attempting to pass a law that states that New York State shelters can kill animals immediately if shelter staff determines that the animals are in “psychological pain”. Please petition against this horrifying crime.

Why is this important?

On Wednesday February 15, Assembly Bill A05449A will be introduced in the NY state Ag Committee. Sponsored by Assembly Member Amy Paulin, this quick kill bill would allow New York State shelters to kill animals immediately if shelter staff determines that the animals are in “psychological pain”.

There is no definition of what constitutes psychological pain. It is completely subjective.

There are no standards to how it will be applied.

There will be no holding period for scared or feral cats, shy dogs, and traumatized animals. This bill grants shelters the legal authority to kill animals they determine to not be happy, friendly, and outgoing immediately upon intake.

They could be killed within a minute of arrival.

For the first time anywhere in the United States, shelters will be allowed to kill animals with no holding period of any kind based on the animals’ perceived state of mind.

For the full story, click here:
