To: Jason Tracy, General Manager, Beach Club and Cody Plott, President and CEO, Pebble Beach Company

Beach Club Security

March 14, 2012

The Pebble Beach Company
The Beach and Tennis Club
17-Mile Drive
Pebble Beach, CA 93953

To Pebble Beach Company Management :

We are writing this letter in response to the recent thefts of personal property from automobiles parked in the Beach and Tennis Club lot. As you know, on March 8, 2012, long time member Lauren Keaton’s vehicle was broken into and items valued in excess of $10,000 were stolen, along with her credit cards and identification. When Ms. Keaton reported the break-in to your staff, she was notified that staff members had heard the car alarm going off, but did not check the parking lot. Had someone merely looked out into the parking lot, or notified security, this crime could have been stopped. Another automobile was broken into in the week prior to Ms. Keaton’s break-in. As you know, the previous break-in involved the thieves drilling a hole into the passenger side door of the auto to gain access to items inside the automobile. First and most importantly, all members of the Beach club should be alerted of these and any other crimes occurring on or around Beach Club property so that they may take special precautions to protect themselves and their property. It should not be the responsibility of the members to notify others of these crimes. We request the Beach and Tennis Club update the safety measures currently in place to protect both persons and property upon the Beach Club premises as follows:

 Install cameras and better lighting in the parking lot.
 Train Beach Club staff to respond by sending a staff member to investigate or notifying security immediately when a car alarm goes off.
 Train and assign a staff member to monitor the parking lot regularly.
 Institute a keyboard system, so cars may be locked and keys remain accessible to staff members rather than requiring keys in unlocked automobiles in the parking lot.

If no action is taken by the Beach Club, the parking lot will come to be considered a safe haven for criminal activity and members and their guests will be at risk. As we know the Beach Club cares for its members, we are confident that the proper action will be taken to prevent any further crimes on Club property. We look forward to hearing news of the implementation of new procedures.

Concerned Members

Why is this important?

Please read and sign this petition regarding recent concerns about security at the Beach Club.
